Anti-Phishing is a technique used to protect users from phishing attacks. Phishing attacks are attempts to steal users' personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.
Anti-Phishing tools use a variety of methods to protect users, including identifying and blocking phishing websites and email messages.
Some common anti-phishing techniques include:
-Using blacklists of known phishing websites
-Identifying and blocking phishing email messages
-Using CAPTCHAs to verify that users are not <sub alias="Bots">bots</sub>
-Using fraud detection algorithms to identify suspicious activity
Anti-Phishing tools are available for a variety of platforms, including browsers, email clients, and operating systems.
There are also a number of online resources that can help users protect themselves from phishing attacks, including the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) website and the FTC's Phishing website.